Sun Salutation originated in the Hatha Yoga tradition in the 9 century in India. Many variations are possible. Surya Namaskar is a series of postures (asanas in Sanskrit) linked together in a graceful flow. It can be a complete practice in and of itself or used to warm up and prepare the body before your yoga practice. In Ashtanga Yoga there are Sun Salutation A and B which are slightly different from Hatha yoga Sun Salutation. It is a beautiful greeting, but it was also meant to be a transformative experience to release the burden of our personal obsessions and just come back to the essence, The power of a Namaskar is in its refined simplicity; the combination of movements creates a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual syncopation. In ancient times people would practice Surya Namaskar at sunrise, facing the Sun in the East.
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